I don’t rip on a carbon speed machine, but I see a lot come through the shop each week. My favorites are always the Pinarello bikes that we’ve sold to customers or Pinarellos that others are bringing into the shop for us to service.
I can appreciate the work done by, say, Specialized or Cervélo, but Pinarello is always my favorite. Should you want to see what we have in the shop (or discuss what we can order for you), don’t hesitate to call us or stop by for a little chat.
Others may have started their time in a bike shop in some other manner, but I cut my teeth working on my bike at home. I was very effective at undoing all of the work my LBS had done while introducing some novel problems due to my lack of skill.
I recently came across this article from BikeRadar that details a few common mistakes of home mechanics (it woulda saved me a lot of screaming in my kitchen covered in chain grease). If I rode a bike with suspension, I think that I woulda violated all 15 of them. That said, I now know much better what it is to do with my bike (I service 95% of the stuff on it myself).
Our shop has a bunch of mechanics who feel the same way that I do when it comes to customers servicing their bikes at home: we want to help you do that! No question is too insignificant or inane. I’m sure that everyone here’s felt the same way or had the same question(s) you now have. Call us anytime and we’ll get you sorted out.
Spring/Summer ‘23 just got a whole lot kookier: Supreme has collaborated with Silca to make this fancy lil multi. I guess there aren’t all that many companies left after collab chainsaws with Stihl or collab Band-Aids but… Kinda seriously though? I want one. I guess mostly to be silly, but also cause I use and like a Silca multi currently and why not spiff it up a bit? For more information about this necessary piece of bike gear, visit Supreme here.
Until next week,
Luke <3